Durham City Transport is a family run haulage and distribution company based in County Durham since 1991. Our mission is to provide a quality logistics, warehousing and distribution service to all our customers nationwide. The logistics and distribution services are delivered by a fleet of rigid and articulated vehicles ranging from Mercedes and MAN. Our aim is to be a proactive company monitoring the current industry areas we serve to develop our service and operation model allowing us to grow with the changing and demanding needs of our customers.
To do our work, we process personal data for our customers.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and we take this responsibility very seriously. This statement outlines what data we collect, how we may use it, how we protect it, and what your rights are.
This notice covers any data we collect from you during your contact with Durham City Transport. This may be via:
References to "we" and "us" mean Durham City Transport Ltd, registered company limited by guarantee number 02652527. Our registered address is Durham City House, St. John's Road, Meadowfield Industrial Estate, Durham, DH7 8QX.
If you have any questions, please phone us, 0191 378 1797 or e-mail us: sales@durhamcitytransport.com
We regularly check this notice to keep it up-to-date. We recommend that you read this page to ensure that you are happy with any changes we might have made.
This privacy policy was updated on 9th July 2018.
We only collect the personal information we need to enable us to give you the advice you need to help you with your problems or business enquiries. This information may include:
If you are using our services, we need to process your data to do this.
We will keep all your information, including notes, letters which you give to us about you, confidentially. We use client relationship management systems (CRM) to support all our services. This enables us to keep the information which you provide to us and track the history and relevant details of your enquiries, so we can provide you with appropriate and accurate support. We are very careful about information security. No one is allowed access to our system or files without the appropriate authorisation, and only then if it is in order to provide the service or other purpose set out in this notice.
We may use your data for statistical reports. These statistics will be anonymised so that no individuals can be recognised in them.
We will only store your information for a specific amount of time. This may depend on the law or specific regulations which apply to it, such as financial requirements, health and safety regulations or employment law. Once the data retention period has expired, the information will be confidentially disposed of or permanently deleted.
We will not, without your consent, supply any of your personal data to any third party except where:
If we are asked to share your data with other support services, we will make sure you are informed and we will obtain your consent to share your data. We will make sure that your details are safe, secure and only used for the limited purpose for which you have provided them to us.
We will never share or sell your personal data to a third-party organisation for marketing, fundraising or campaigning purposes.
We use third party companies to manage our, phones, website, HR and payroll. We actively screen these companies to maximise the protection of your privacy and security. They are only permitted to use the data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, under strict instructions from Durham City Transport Ltd.
You have the right, under the General Data Protection Regulation, to know what information we hold about you and to ask to see your records. This is a Subject Access Request.
If you make any changes to your consent, we will update your record as soon as we possibly can. Please note that this may mean that we are unable to give you any further assistance and will be unable to carry out any activities on your behalf, as you may have previously consented.
When you apply for a job, your personal data will be collated so that we can monitor progress with your application and monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment systems. Where we need to share your data, such as for obtaining references or obtaining a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) statement, you will be informed in advance, unless the disclosure is required by law. These checks are only carried out for the successful candidate(s) once a position(s) have been offered. On our application forms, you are asked to complete the referee details, including a tick box for permission to contact your referee. If this has been ticked, and a role offered, we will automatically send out reference requests. If not, we will contact the successful candidate for their permission first.
Personal data given by unsuccessful applicants is held for six (6) months after the recruitment exercise is complete for that particular vacancy. If, within this time, we feel that there is another suitable vacancy available for a particular applicant(s) we will contact them. However, all applicants can ask us to remove their data before this time if they do not want us to retain it. Once you have taken up a post with us, we will compile a confidential personnel file for you. The information contained in this will be kept secure and will only be used for purposes directly relevant to your employment. Once your employment with us has ended, we will retain the file in accordance with the requirements of our retention schedule and then delete it from our files.
A cookie is a small data file which is downloaded from a website to your computer to make the site easier to use. For example, it may store details that you submit to the site, such as your personal settings or your location, so you don't have to provide the information again.
Using cookies does not allow us to identify users personally. We will only store information which you specifically give us permission to use.
Our website uses a small amount of cookies to let us know how people interact with our website, and how we can improve our services to our users. The information we gather in this way is completely anonymous, and visitors to our website cannot be identified.
We use some tools on our pages from social networks, including Twitter and Facebook. Any information used via these tools is not shown to us, and we don't store any information from them. Please refer to each site's own privacy policies for more information about this.
When you visit the Durham City Transport website, you may submit information which you want the site to remember during your visit. This information is only stored in a cookie during the time that you are on our site. We will only store it elsewhere when you give us permission to do so and this will be done via our secure systems.
All web browsers allow you to manage which cookies you accept, reject and delete. You can usually find these controls in the "Preferences" or "Tools" menu. More information about these is available here: http://wwwaboutcookies.org.
If you have a complaint about the way we have handled your data, or related matter, you can do this by contacting our Customer Service Staff, as detailed above.
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO):
All goods carried subject to Road Haulage Association Conditions Of Carriage 2020.
All goods stored subject to Road Haulage Association Conditions Of Storage 2021.
Copies available on request.